Studies and White Papers

Overview of our
Studies and White Papiers

We love Smart Data. In index Advertsdata you will find a broad compilation of data regarding the job market. But that’s not all: We want to use our knowledge to provide you with practical knowledge about the HR market.

Our Research department carries out large-scale studies on a regular basis. Additionally, with our free white papers, we want to give you tips to help you attract more candidates and win new clients. Download all studies and white papers here!

Our newest white paper

active sourcing

Successful Active Sourcing

With active sourcing, the direct approach to talents, staffing companies are gearing up for the future of recruiting. You can be successful with this method too. In our new white paper, you will learn everything you need to know to get started with active sourcing right away.

Download for free!


5 Kernfragen die Elke Manager zichzelf zou moeten stellen!

Een constant evoluerende arbeidsmarkt stelt ons elke dag weer voor nieuwe uitdagingen. Deze gids, voortkomend uit meer dan 10 jaar ervaring in managementcoaching, biedt stof tot nadenken over hoe je ook in veranderende tijden authentiek en fair kunt blijven.

Download de gratis gids!

5 Key Issues Whitepaper


The market changes, so must you. A rolling stone gathers no moss โ€“ and motionless stone will gather the most moss in a market that is in a state of flux. Executives ins particular are faced with many challenges on a daily basis.
In this free white paper we will shine a light on the 5 questions that will push you forward in your role as manager and will give you directly implementable advice to ensure that you are always be well-prepared.
Thatโ€™s why in this guide, we want to provide you with five answers that you can use in future to use the full potential of your leadership qualities.

Download for free

No more cold calling White paper

No more cold calling: How to succeed with targeted candidate placement

Change your perspective: The market changes, so must you. The candidate should be your focus โ€“ not more and more new clients with tasks that are simply impossible to solve. In this whitepaper you will delve deep into the methods that will help you re-focus and get back on track in this everchanging, shifting market. Stay ahead of the curve and increase your candidate placements.
Thatโ€™s why in this guide, we want to provide you with five ways that you can use in future to use the full potential of your candidate pool.

Download for free

Gatekeeper White paper

Guide for successful sales calls: Bypassing the gatekeeper with nine strategies

Acquiring new clients has never been more important than now. And whether you are a seasoned professional picking up the telephone again, have been cold-calling potential clients for months or years, or are just starting out in your sales career โ€“ you are bound to be familiar with one of the biggest obstacles in our sector: the gatekeepers. They decide whether you get an appointment with the boss.
Thatโ€™s why in this guide, we want to provide you with nine very practical tools that you can use in future to get to your target person more quickly.

Download the guide now and start to acquire new customers!

Recruitment Videos White Paper

How you can use recruitment videos to attract new talents

In the last couple of years, competition for skilled employees has been getting tougher. Employers now have to go the extra mile in order to draw attention to themselves, stand out on the job market and ultimately recruit new staff.Recruitment videos have shown to be an effective tool of demonstrating potential applicants why they should apply for a position at precisely your company. And, you can even produce the videos by yourself. Thatโ€™s why we have compiled 7 quick tips in a new white paper, so you can get started right away.

Download it for free!

the new recruiting report 2022

Recruiting Report 2022

The Recruiting Report 2022: digitalization makes the difference!

In order to be successful, finding motivated new employees is crucial. Easier said than done. Corona has intensified the situation for a lot of companies: in many industries, the shortage of specialists is making it increasingly difficult to find suitable applicants. Convincing them that the employer is the right one for them has also become more challenging than before.

Our Recruiting Report 2022 answers these questions and provides you with a unique overview of the current job market situation.

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