on the job market

on the job market

Information about
the Job market
in Europe

Market compass:
Increase of the European job market
In April 2022, index Advertsdata processed 3,072,249 job offers* from newspapers and job boards in 9 European countries. This is an increase of 52.6 % compared to April 2021.

*multiple postings in several sources possible

Development of the job market between March and April 2022

0% minus
0% minus
0% minus
0% minus
0% minus
0% minus
0% minus
0% minus
0% minus

Job market development
in 2020

How has the pandemic affected countries in Europe? And how have the job markets developed in comparison to each other? Our market research department has indexed the job market data from several European countries to make them comparable. The base value was set at 100 in March, the beginning of the corona pandemic.


Job Market in Sweden, Denmark, Norway

Source: Sweden (4 print and 21 online media), Denmark (7 online media), Norway (3 online media)

BENELUX and France

Job Market in France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands

Source: Belgium (31 print media, 13 online media), Netherlands (12 online media), France (4 print media, 29 online media), Luxembourg (2 print media, 6 online media)

DACH region

Job Market in Germany, Austria, Switzerland

Source: Switzerland (21 print media, 17 online media), Germany (193 print media, 130 online media), Austria (22 print media, 23 online media)

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Image source : istockphoto.com / baona; index GmbH